Monday, September 15, 2014

Monday Musings

     There were 5 rows of carrots left in the garden. Rick dug 2 of them, resulting in half of an 18 gallon tote full of carrots. The rest to be dug tomorrow. The smallest ones will be blanched and frozen whole, to be roasted later with olive oil, sea salt, and a drizzle of raw, local honey. The rest will be sliced, blanched, and frozen for the soups and stews we enjoy during the cold months. Our upright freezer will be full of produce from our garden, and it is an awesome feeling to have grown it all ourselves. I'm hoping to make a batch of green tomato chow-chow and can it, as it only takes a hot water bath processing method. That chow chow is the key ingredient in my home made potato salads.

     The fur-baby boys are doing well together now, Gunner has calmed Ranger down considerably, and they love playing together. 

     Waiting on the "final word" on Rick's job. He will be gone for days-weeks, even a month at a time, coming home only to have 24 hours or less at home before going out again. The pay is the best he's ever had, however, and the benefits are awesome, and paid vacation adds up fast (After 1 year, 1 week - after 2 years 3 weeks, after 5 years 2 months paid vacation.) It will get us where we want to be, so we're willing to endure the separation. I have the 3 boys (2 4-legged ones, 1 2-legged one) to keep me company. Once we get a house I'll have that to occupy my time, too.  It will leave me plenty of time to write, that's for sure!

    Rick went to town today, and picked up a book I asked for at the library. "On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft" by Stephen King. I'm anxious to read it, I've read so many wonderful reviews. We'll see how I like it. I'm still reading through all of Anais Nin's diaries, too. I'd stopped for a few months, so I'm still working my way through the first one. Those will keep me busy for a couple of months. 

     Rick's "famous" pork and potato burritos for dinner tonight, and the 3 of us will finish watching "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Pt.1". I know watching something while eating isn't the healthiest, but it works for us. Since Isaiah's bedroom is next door in mom's house (he said a teenager needs privacy, and didn't want to stay in the RV with us which was fine) we enjoy the time together every evening.

     I promise to work on "deeper" more meaningfully written posts soon, and not just these "about me" sort of posts. I'm sure they must bore you to tears. Thank you for reading them anyway.



  1. Bored to tears? Heck no! Way to go on the amount of carrots! I wish we could do as well here with carrots.

    1. This was our first good year for carrots, I think because of the large amount of rain we received. :)

  2. Good ideas for the carrots! I'll need to remember those. Recipe for the chow-chow please???

    1. My adopted Dad's third wife was from Memphis, and she was an amazing cook. (See - I DO have something nice to say about her, lol) and she gave me her recipe which was the best, but it was lost in the tornado. I've used this recipe and it's almost as good - this is the one I'll use this year, too.
